Goal: See God face to face
How: By fasting and praying for 240 hrs.
Why: To shed off the restraints of the past and sustain an atmosphere in which destinies can be received and souls changed through crazy encounters with Jesus.
Jan. 2nd 2010. For 10 days the leaders, members, and supporters of the Pursuit Church based out of Fayetteville, NC will set themselves apart to fast and pray for a burning flame to be released first in their hearts and then over their entire city. This portion of time will be spent seeking God and His will for the lives of all who participate and the lives that will be touched through the breakout ministry that will inevitability follow this massive gathering of passion, desire, repentance, and restoration. In the Bible the founders of the Christian Church spent 10 days fasting and praying for the will of God to be released over their city, and after this 10 day siege of the heart of God, He released His Spirit over them and Pentecost was born. At the beginning of the New Year, the newly released founders of the Pursuit will seek this same pouring out from God. As part of this consecrated time, participants will join together at the newly constructed prayer room for the Pursuit Church to keep a constant fire of prayer burning before God 24 hrs a day for the full 10 days. These teams will be in the room at various times of the day and night seeking change, leading the new members, learning from the Spirit, and standing watch over their city. This wont be the first for the veterans of the prayer movement sweeping America and Fayetteville, but each time God has always done something new and even more spectacular than in the past gatherings, and this time maybe no different. The Pursuit Church has decided to make no resolutions this new year, but to bring a revolution.
This isn’t your mom and pop’s resolutions, so if you are looking for a challenge, curious to find your destiny, or even skeptical of this whole endeavor than I openly invite you to come out and see what this is all about. Check out www.PursuitLife.com for more information.
Moving Slowly
5 years ago