Hey Guys,
Today it was raining when I got up. Its kinda funny when you wake up to the rain. Its almost as though early morning grips the day and won't let go. Dawn just seems to linger for hours, everything just feels lazy. You don't want to get up but you know you can't stay in bed. Everything is just so cozy where you are, the covers feel soft and warm, you turn over your pillow to the cold side and so sleeps lingers for just a little longer...
There are many times when my life is this way. Outside its cold and rainy, visibility is cut way down so I can't see where I'm going real clear... All in all it might just be better to stay in bed where its nice and warm and cozy allow sleep to embrace me once again. It would definitely be the easier way, ah to just sleep away another season in life. Besides if I did go out I wouldn't be able to see where I was going, so I may never get there, I may crash on the and ahhh the bed just feels so nice... Life in the comfort of your own bed is so much easier but is it a life that's really worth living. True there are many times when it's cold, rainy, windy and foggy in life and to stay in bed would be easier but even when its raining life is passing by. So get out of bed, run in the rain, jump in a puddle, you may fall, you may get muddy but that my friend is life... so get out and live it!
God Bless
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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