Our Father or we can make it personal and say, my Father who is in heaven, Hallowed or Holy is your name. It is an often repeated statement but is it understood. So many myself included desire and work for the Kingdom of God to be established on the earth. Blood, sweat and tears are poured out to see that kingdom come to see His will be done. I've become so obsessed with this mandate that I've actually put my relationship with Him on a back burner. Become so consumed with the battle the I've forgotten the reason the purpose. We often live, lives of winning souls making disciples, reaching the utter most parts of the earth with the Gospel. We live for the fight, we live for the victory. We forget the before that kingdom can come through us we must first get to know God in His Holiness we must be intimate with Him as a Father. Jesus said the first command was that we love the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength, then love our neighbor as ourselves. It is only when Holy God becomes our Father when we learn to Love Him first that we can even be able to truly love others. It is only when we come to know Him in His Holiness that the kingdom can be established. So take a moment today and get to know your creator in the beauty of His Holiness. That's when His will can be done in and through you.
Love Ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago