

As we watch so many in the church today running from one move to another one revival to another, one healing service to another.
It reminds me of a girl I knew when I was younger, all she wanted to do is follow the Grateful Dead around in a Volkswagen van and be a deadhead.
There are some I know that justify this by complaining about their own church or pastor or leader. The whole grass is greener on the other side thing. These same ones that always have something to say, some bit of
“constructive criticism”
Many times these are the same ones that do nothing, have invested nothing. They spend their time staring up into the heavens looking for the light when God has called us to be the light. They shine what light they have at the faults of those around them.
Then there are others that simply get tired, they burn at both ends until they until they burn out.
Hurt, broken and tired the sun that once was able to melts their heart now hardens it like clay. They burned so hot for so long without rest or refreshing, without spending time alone in the presence of the Son, Now they are the bush that burned but it was consumed. It was not weird to see a bush burning in the wilderness but it was weird to so one that was not consumed. Today we see all kinds burn for God but its rare we see one that is not consumed. God has called us to burn bright but not burn out.
What’s the difference?
Spending time walking in the son-light,
Not always running for the newest thing,
Not always looking for the next thing.
But keeping your life based on the
“One Thing”.

Love ya

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