Nobody likes to tap out... Its one thing to get knocked out but it's almost more humiliating like saying uncle when you tap out... Like you really don't want to give up but the pain is just to much to bear... Man punch me square between the eyes and make me see stars but don't make me beg for mercy... That sucks!!!
God promises not to put more on us than we can handle... If this is true why do I tap out so often??? Maybe the reason is that I'm not on the tap, taping into the all that makes God... Well God. God can't be measured, He's got more and puts more at our desposal than the furtherest reaches of our imagianation can fatham. The problem is not with the supply... Nope it's with the demand. We try to run on our own gas and its so weak and tanted that it soon runs out or clogs up and we're left at the same place... Getting choked out be a stinking wimpy demon...
Love Ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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