Dove's Resting Place-Part 1
In the story of the great flood we find in the book of Genesis the earth had been destroyed. All but a handful of people had been killed, drowned in the greatest flood every known. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months as the boat God told Noah to build was tossed on the raging sea. Things had to have been miserable. Noah sends out a dove and I imagine his heart sank when the dove came back because it had no place to rest. How many times in our life has the dove been released to find a resting place and He finds no place?
Love ya
Oh Captain, my Captain!!!
In the very last book of the Bible all the way in the back it talks about the great whore sitting on the waters. Later on in the chapter it says that the water is the nations, all people and all tongues. There are great battles that take place in the heavenlies as to who will hover over the waters of our generation.
In the story of Noah the entire earth was covered with water. Noah released a dove and the dove returned because it could find no place to rest. The dove was once again released two thousand years ago and has since been looking for a place to rest.
Come rest on the waters of my life... Oh captain, my captain...
Love ya

Jesus speaking to the Phoenician woman said, "Should the king give the children's food to the dogs?" The woman responds by saying even the dogs under the table get the crumbs. We pray for God's best, we believe, we cry out. We ask God to pour out His blessing, we try to take back what satan has stolen.
Ain't it funny that we ask God for His best but what do we give Him? We give Him our luke-warm, half-baked middle of the road christianity. All the while asking Him for His best. There is another story if we turn back to the Old Testiment of Elijah. There was a famine in the land and God sent Elijah to a widow's house. A widow's house, not a rich man's house, or a governor, not a mayor but a widow. A woman that had almost nothing. God required that this woman give her best. Did she want to give her all??? NO!!! Did she have extra to give??? NO!!! Did she give her best, her all??? YES!!!
Perhaps next time before we ask God for the best He has to offer, let us first give of our best. The best of our love, best of our time, money, devotion... The list goes on and on. Not that we can earn or purchase or do anything to deserve the best of heaven. This is not about us earning. We don't give our love to earn something from Jesus. That's prostitution... Someone who gets paid to give love to someone else is a prostitute. There are two women in the book of Revelation, The bride and the whore. One gives the best of their love expecting nothing in return. Only loving to love. Loving because they were loved first. I pray that we learn to give our best. Not cause we are looking for a return. The only return we want is love, intimacy, presence... You see my friend That is the best of our King!!!
Love ya,

Wakey Wakey!!! Falcon#2
6 days later... I told the story of so many things God opened up and revealed to me on Friday night. The night of WAKEY WAKEY!!! It was the most... Ah you know I went over all that already. If you've not read it go ahead and skip down and read Falcon #1.
One of the things that continues to reverberate inside of me is when the Lord said to me, "You know what to do...Humble yourself... Pray... Fast!!!" Man at that moment I made all kinds of promises. "God I'm gonna humble myself, I'm gonna pray more and fast. The proof is not in the number of promises I am able to make. Instead its in the promises I keep and continue to keep if the following days, weeks, months, and years. Is our experience a series of one night stands or is it a blissful marriage. One night stands are definitely easier and require less. But one thing to remember is when you put less in you get less out. The same thing applies with our relationship with Jesus. You see Jesus has placed all of His love on us. When we live in a series of one night stands we move out of position to receive the rewards of marriage. When we humble ourselves, pray and fast we position ourselves in a place that says, "I am commited to this relationship". It's not for God's sake that we live this. Its for our sake. Man God is so cool like that.
Love ya,
PS. Cosider this we call it an awakening. We the alarm goes off there are those that get up and then there are those that just hit snooze and roll over. WAKEY WAKEY!!!

Fire at Falcon

The fire fell at Falcon tonight... If you were there you experienced God. It was the most crazy, insane prayer meeting I think I've ever been a part of.
God has always impressed me with the rain. From the time I was a boy growing up in Haiti til This very night. I was at Bethel Church in Redding Ca. recently and got a prophetic word that among other things said, "God rains down where I go... Not just spiritually but also physically". It was raining in Redding at the time and they'd been experiencing a drought.
Tonight shortily after I arrived at the Octagon Tabernacle my wife text me and said, "huh, looks like rain". Sure enough it looked like it might just rain.
I was already smoked even before prayer began. As things began really warming up the rain began to fall. So I stepped outside and began to cry out to God for His outpouring. Almost urging God on I prayed for Him to amaze me. It began raining harder and lightning began to flash.
I fell into a deep state of travailing in the Spirit for God to awaken the watchmen, awaken the warriors, awaken the intersessors. It was so intense for I can't say how long. At some point God knocked our lights out. With a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder the room went dark. I was still travailing, gripping the pew where I knelt, drips of sweet dripping from my brow to the hardwood floor below. And I travailed... Then suddenly out of nowhere I felt a tickle and my Abba father filled me with such a happiness. God spoke, "remember, you know what to do. Pray, fast, seek my face, I will be found". Over and over again God spoke this, then He said, "step outside, walk with me". "Huh, God its pouring outside". "Come walk with me let me rain on you". Stepping outside our comfort is always hard and scary. But that is faith. So I went outside. Walked out in the field next to the Tabernacle. The lighting was flashing in a circle all around us. The thunder shaking the ground beneath us. One big bolt flashed in front of me, it was so close that I could see it disentegrate into flashes just before the thunder shook me. It was the second largest of the night and yes it scared me. I was standing in an open field. Yea maybe it was time to head inside. SUDDENLY with an insane impact and flash of light, the biggest one of the night hit. I jumped like a... Ah I don't know what. The silver fire continued to fall from heaven as it rained on my face. I stayed a few more minutes, still scared and very in awe. God is scary and awe-ful, He's also really good.
All in all it was amazing. Bonnie Bost closed us in prayer and as she said,"amen" the thunder clashed one last time and shook the room as if it where on cue. After a night like that I can only believe it was God voicing His Amen to the evening.
Love Ya
Wakey, Wakey!
Love ya,
Chasing Butterflies
Chasing Butterflies
Often times when as we walk through this life its hard to see the forest through the trees. It's hard to stop and smell the roses.
It's like an episode of survivor, where we are fighting just to make it. So much to do, so little time. We are trekking through life and rarely really enjoying it. We think thoughts like, "once I get here", or "I'll do this one day". Then it seems like life is one series of fast paced races to another just trying to reach the goal we had set out for. Let me stop for a moment and say that this is a good thing. Its good to have goals and ambition and the will to fight for the desires God has placed inside you. But today take just a moment or maybe two to see the forest in all these trees. Smell the roses. Like an elusive butterfly, moments can pass us by never to return. So stop, pull out your butterfly net, and chase a moment today.
Love ya,
Love ya
Just want to keep everyone posted. We've changed the name and format for the TV show "Bread of Life". It's hot, with new music, footage and teaching. We did the first shoot today and the rough footage looks really good. It will be airing on Fridays at 5pm so if you get a chance check it out... The new name is "Global Warming," and it's taken from Jesus' saying, "I've come to set a fire and I wish it were already kindled." I wish it were too, so come on and join with me as we set this world on fire. Fire, fire, fire, there's a fire shut up in my bones. An internal combustion that John prophesied when he said there is one coming after me that will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and FIRE. Elijah called down fire on Mt. Carmel, so how bout we call down fire on the globe.
Oh yeah!!! Global Warming is GOOD.
Love ya,