The fire fell at Falcon tonight... If you were there you experienced God. It was the most crazy, insane prayer meeting I think I've ever been a part of.
God has always impressed me with the rain. From the time I was a boy growing up in Haiti til This very night. I was at Bethel Church in Redding Ca. recently and got a prophetic word that among other things said, "God rains down where I go... Not just spiritually but also physically". It was raining in Redding at the time and they'd been experiencing a drought.
Tonight shortily after I arrived at the Octagon Tabernacle my wife text me and said, "huh, looks like rain". Sure enough it looked like it might just rain.
I was already smoked even before prayer began. As things began really warming up the rain began to fall. So I stepped outside and began to cry out to God for His outpouring. Almost urging God on I prayed for Him to amaze me. It began raining harder and lightning began to flash.
I fell into a deep state of travailing in the Spirit for God to awaken the watchmen, awaken the warriors, awaken the intersessors. It was so intense for I can't say how long. At some point God knocked our lights out. With a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder the room went dark. I was still travailing, gripping the pew where I knelt, drips of sweet dripping from my brow to the hardwood floor below. And I travailed... Then suddenly out of nowhere I felt a tickle and my Abba father filled me with such a happiness. God spoke, "remember, you know what to do. Pray, fast, seek my face, I will be found". Over and over again God spoke this, then He said, "step outside, walk with me". "Huh, God its pouring outside". "Come walk with me let me rain on you". Stepping outside our comfort is always hard and scary. But that is faith. So I went outside. Walked out in the field next to the Tabernacle. The lighting was flashing in a circle all around us. The thunder shaking the ground beneath us. One big bolt flashed in front of me, it was so close that I could see it disentegrate into flashes just before the thunder shook me. It was the second largest of the night and yes it scared me. I was standing in an open field. Yea maybe it was time to head inside. SUDDENLY with an insane impact and flash of light, the biggest one of the night hit. I jumped like a... Ah I don't know what. The silver fire continued to fall from heaven as it rained on my face. I stayed a few more minutes, still scared and very in awe. God is scary and awe-ful, He's also really good.
All in all it was amazing. Bonnie Bost closed us in prayer and as she said,"amen" the thunder clashed one last time and shook the room as if it where on cue. After a night like that I can only believe it was God voicing His Amen to the evening.
Love Ya
Amen... and amen!!
Hi, I met you guys last night at Apple Hill and am doing some research on what you shared and found your blog! It was a real blessing having you there!
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