
This one's for you

God is not simply one who walks among the clouds and holds stars in His hands. He is and does but He is not only a far off God. He is a God so mighty and so powerful and awe inspiring. Creator, majesty and beyond all we could fathom or grasp. Could it be that we think He's so big, so wonderful and we so small and insignificant that chances are small that He would notice us. BUT HE DOES NOTICE YOU!!! He is great and awesome and He wants to be all up in your face. I mean every area of your life. He wants to have a part in every breath you take. Every decision and every task, every hurt and every pain, every triumph and every victory. EVERYTHING!!! There is not a moment in your life that takes place that God doesn't want to be involved in. Will you let Him? Will you allow Him to not just be a far out God but also be a God that reaches far in. A Father that is intimately involved in every area. Let us be co-laborers with God. Ones that walk hand in hand. Hand in hand at home, work, church and hanging out... Good, bad, up and down lets us allow God to be intimate.

Love ya



You can do it!!!

In our fast pace and very hectic life it is so easy to be consumed. Get up, get coffee, get to work, get home, get dinner then get to bed. The days roll by and we wonder where they went. It is not the life we hoped for as a child. The dreams having faded to just a hope of being able to make the ends meet. The cycle of life rarely changing, only when we have a bump in the road do we stop and evaluate. Life can literally pass by years at a time and nothing ever change. Then we look back when we're 92 wondering what it was all about, wondering where the years went. This, this is not life, this is living on life support. It's being hooked up to the system, letting it drain you of all you have and when its done you die. This is tragic and it shouldn't be this way with you. SO STOP!!! Right now just have the courage to STOP!!! Take a moment, take a breath. Breathe in and let it out slowly.
God made the Sabbath Holy because He knew something about us we often forget. He knew we needed a moment, a breath. A moment to reflect,catch our breath and refocus on the dreams our Father has placed inside of us. You've got to much inside of you to continue living on life support. Come on, you can do it... Do it
NOW !!!

Love ya



Dove's Resting Place Part 2

Gen. 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

It's the Father's kindness that leads us to repentance, the Holy Spirit coming and hovering over us as He did over the waters in the book of Genesis. One major step in our maturity as believers is coming to the realization that though our sin offends God, it hurts us. The longer we remain in sin the more beat up we get. AAHHH and even in our sin and God's offense to that sin He still draws us to Himself. When we are all broke down, formless and void the Spirit hovers. The Spirit continues to hover until He finds a place to rest. He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it. The Holy Spirit knows just what is needed, enough pressure to shape but not break. He desires that we be all that He's created us to be. He also realizes that the greatest hindrance to our success is the one staring back at us in the mirror. And we thought it was Satan. If our desire is to be the best we can be, if we want to fulfill our destiny, then the key is not higher education or self help books... Instead the key is creating in ourselves a place where the Spirit can rest. Is the Holy Spirit able to rest in you or does He continue to fly over the waters of your heart as in the days of Noah? Holy Spirit find a resting place in me today.

Love Ya