God is not simply one who walks among the clouds and holds stars in His hands. He is and does but He is not only a far off God. He is a God so mighty and so powerful and awe inspiring. Creator, majesty and beyond all we could fathom or grasp. Could it be that we think He's so big, so wonderful and we so small and insignificant that chances are small that He would notice us. BUT HE DOES NOTICE YOU!!! He is great and awesome and He wants to be all up in your face. I mean every area of your life. He wants to have a part in every breath you take. Every decision and every task, every hurt and every pain, every triumph and every victory. EVERYTHING!!! There is not a moment in your life that takes place that God doesn't want to be involved in. Will you let Him? Will you allow Him to not just be a far out God but also be a God that reaches far in. A Father that is intimately involved in every area. Let us be co-laborers with God. Ones that walk hand in hand. Hand in hand at home, work, church and hanging out... Good, bad, up and down lets us allow God to be intimate.
Love ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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