If you haven't already listened to the daily devo I posted today, check it out. It goes with what I'm gonna discuss. It's called Sheep vs. Goats.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays at our church we give out food boxes. Often times the front office will be crammed full of people. All in need, looking to be helped. This is simply part of what we do. Anyway, today as people came in it struck me the discomfort felt when approached by the needy. You know what I'm talking about, the feeling you get in you stomach when a guy with "will work for food" comes up to your car at a stop light. Or how about the one that always catches you at the gas station needing $5 cause his car ran out of gas a few miles back. The homeless guy downtown that asks for a few bucks. Most feel a little uncomfortable when faced with "the needy". Maybe we're uncomfortable with the poor. Maybe even irritated by the request. Set back by someone invading our zone of comfort. Breaking into our personal airspace with there need. A need we did not create, a need we didn't make happen...and why should we be responsible for it.
Well, well, well!!!
Is this you? Do you in someway feel these very same feelings? Don't worry you are not alone. Many of us feel this way to some degree. But what should we do about it?
I'm glad you asked!
I think we should take a look at what Jesus had to say about it. In the story of the sheep and the goats the sheep get to enter into rest and the goats get to enter into hell. Whats the difference? The difference is what they did and didn't do. Sheep feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, set free the captive. Now let's contrast that with Matt.7 when many will come in that day and say Lord, Lord, and Jesus will say,"Depart from me I never knew you". Then they answer him saying, "Didn't we cast out demons and heal the sick in your name". Basically it's like this, it doesn't matter what kinda healing or deliverance ministry you have, if you're not in love with HIM and showing that love to people. I mean low, down, and dirty showing the love. I mean you, you, you... Not sending someone or sending some money, but you getting down and feeding, clothing, setting free. If you're not then I hope you are paid up on your fire insurance cause baby, your gonna need it.
That's about all for now.
Love ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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