So I was driving on my way to work this morning and I started thinking....I know...not the smartest thing for me to be doing...especially behind the as i was driving and thinking about life and God and stuff like came to me that just like my job requires me to be available at all God wants us to be available and open at all times.
Working in the Hospitality industry, mainly in the food service department, we are required to be flexible and keep ourselves as open and available as possible to changes in our schedule and to fill in if needed. Things can change at the drop of a dime and sometimes, no, almost all the time, that means someone will have to be called in to serve and at times that may mean doing more than what is part of their "job description." I could probably do a whole sermon on the similarity between the hospitality industry and the life a christian, but for right now i just want to show the main thing that got me meditating.
Are you available? Could God call on you to step up and do something that someone else decided not to do? Would you answer? How much are you showing God your availability to serve His Kingdom and the souls that are either in it now or He is sending you to bring in?
I encourage you to stay open and available to God. It could be the one moment that you say "here I am Lord, send me" and He sends you straight into your destiny and your life and the world is changed forever, simply because you were available.
Just a thought. Loves and Hugs!
Written By Mike Wing
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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