
Do you believe it!!!

How is it possible that God would love a sinner as much as He loves me?
Have not I given my life in services.
Chances are if you're reading this then you have also devoted your life, your love to Jesus.
There have been sacrifices and tears, for some there has been blood and even their life given.
How is it possible that God would love us equally. They are dirty sinners. How can it be that God would love me with the same amount of love as He has for a murderer, a rapest.
These statements make sence...
But God does not have to make sence to you or I. We feel like love must be earned. We must first love then we will be loved. This is mans kind of love. If you love me I'll love you, if you hate me then I'll hate you and if you do things to use and abuse then I will turn on you. Mans love!
God love is different.
As we read todays reading in Mathew 7, of good fruit and bad fruit of good trees and bad ones. Of those that come to the Lord and say, "Lord did we not cast out demons and heal the sick". Then Jesus will say to them, "I never knew you". Purhaps the reason that Jesus did not know them was they did and acted and loved as they understood, what made sence to them. Jesus said, "Father, Holy is your name, your kingdom come your will be done". My prayer for each of us today is that we would Love as our Father loves, as His Son loves, and how His Spirit loves.
Even when we don't understand it.
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength then you'll be able to love your neighbor as yourself.
Love ya

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