The onion is not the center dish, the lead actor in most meals. No it plays more of a supporting role, the food that makes other food taste better…
Moaning, groaning and complaining every step of the way Israel wandered through the wilderness. At one point they said, “that’s it we are going back to Egypt, we want onions”. Oh the taste of the onions in Egypt… they are so tasty… I gotta go back and get me some onions. I remember once while we lived in Egypt we ate some onions, oh they where so good.
We like to hope we are so different from the stiff necked, rebellious nation. Many times we will never go back to Egypt, the place of our captivity. But there is always something trying to hold us back, hold us in captivity. Yes our sin, yes our shame, or bitterness, pain, hurts and turmoil’s of this life. There are other things, things that are more subtle that try to hold on to us also.
God made this life as a journey. We start in one place and end up in another, all the while bringing either light or darkness to those around us. There are times on this journey when we look back and remember when…ah the good ol’ days… Man the onions where so tasty back there… Maybe I should go back… It wasn’t really all that bad and besides there’s onions.
Last night I was reflecting on some of my past victories… I could smell, taste and touch them for just a moment… Then I began thinking how tasty them onions where. Now I’m not talking about sin, I’m simply talking about the way things where. The only problem is we can’t enjoy the onions of Egypt and the land that flows with milk and honey. Egypt is the past, whether good or bad it is the part of life that is behind us. The part of life that is in front of us is so much sweeter, so much richer, so much fuller than those onions. Often we spend much of our life wondering, tossed around between past and future.
God has a calling on our lives and its not found in Egypt, its not found in onions, it’s not found in the past.
Look up ahead… There is a land just for you, a land flowing with milk and honey. It’s not behind you, so stop looking back.
Love ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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