
The unmovable was moved for ME!!!

Without end, Satan tried to remove God from His throne. Jesus Christ – the Lion of Judah, Alpha and Omega, Mighty Warrior, the All Unmovable, the All Unshakable, the All Unbreakable One – was never weak, nor lost. He never lacked, nor despaired.

But then I moved Him. He looked upon me and saw a miserable, broken existence -- a life that had no life. He saw me shaken. Broken. Gripped with fear. He recognized my lack, and my despair. He saw that I was deaf, dumb, and blind; and He was moved.

I moved Him. The Unmovable. The Unshakable, the Unbreakable, moved… by me. He was shaken, and broken for me. He that could see the depths of the universe, and a man’s heart, was blinded. The One that could hear every thought became deaf. The One who’s voice created life, became dumb.

Love ya



Was Moses Bitter or what???

Alright so we have been hitting the O.T reading pretty hard. We get to the church every morning at 5am, pray hard for about an hour or so then go into our daily Bible reading. Then to finish it off we spend the final few minutes listening to the voice of the Lord. Today as we where listening a thought came to me. It was a thought I couldn't shake. Looking over the past few days Bible reading, Moses had a real hang up with the whole I told you to speak to the rock thing. I mean time and time again he blames the children of Israel for the fact that God wouldn't let him enter into the promise land. Today he even had the nerve to bring it up one more time and God said, "That's enough"... I don't remember him repenting, I just remember him blaming others... I know this about God, He is faithful to forgive those that repent even in the Old Testament. One name "David". Hello, he slept with another mans wife then murdered the husband. But because he humbled himself and repented... God forgave!!!
David didn't blame Bathsheba for bathing on the roof. He simply repented and God forgave. Man doesn't elevate humility but God sure does...
Today let's not blame others for our sin and it's consequences... That breeds bitterness, let's simply humble ourselves.

Love ya




Hey wanted to let everybody know that we've started a morning prayer session. Some crazy prayer person suggested we commit to pray at the log building from 5am-7am for the next 40 days... So if your up come and join us.

Love ya



I caught a glimpse today

I caught a glimpse of salvation today. So many days and in so many ways we walk through life with no real grasp of salvation. The joy that should be experienced, the love and greatness of it all. Our modern day church life falls well short of what God has for us, not just in heaven but right now. We've all heard the story of the prodigal son. The son that left his fathers house with his pockets full of cash only to waste it all on a sinful life. Many have heard this story and all have lived it in one way or another. All have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. You have, I have we all have. We still sin and continue to fall short, saved or not. Those that have received salvation have made the walk home to their Father, fallen to His feet and said I'm not worthy to be your son, please take me as your servant. Our lives carry many similarities to this story. How about the Fathers response? He says, "bring the best robe, put it on my son, shoes for his feet and a ring for his hand!!! Come let us celebrate, kill the fatted calf" and this is the part that caught me today, "my son I thought was dead is now alive." That is such a powerful thing as a father to believe one of your children is dead.
Sunday night Amber and I thought we lost the baby she is pregnant with... We knew or at least we thought we knew. We have 5 children and have gotten pretty good at this, we know what to expect and when to expect it. That was until Sunday night. You never think it will happen to you. Tragedy never comes when you are expecting it. It sneaks up on you at 1am in the morning when your dead asleep. What could we do, we cried, allot, we prayed allot and we set our minds to praise God no matter the situation. Today we went to the doctor only to confirm what we already knew and to be sure Amber was alright. They had to run all the test then do and ultrasound. I was like the father in the prodigal son sitting on his porch. Suddenly and image came up on the screen and then that ba-bump, ba-bump that I knew was a heart beat. Amber and I began to cry shamelessly as the one we thought was dead was alive. Tears of such overwhelming joy. I think today I caught a glimpse of salvation.

Love ya



Read it!!!

Man, today's Bible reading from Psalm 57 is amazing... God is my place of rest in the midst of the hurricane. Even when the lions come and desire to eat me, you send orders from heaven and save me. God soar high in the sky fill the whole earth with your Glory... I will call my soul to awaken, my mouth, my voice all of me will sing. You know that in order to praise God like this in order to call out such a depth and passion from inside of you, you have to have been through some stuff. The kinda stuff that when you get out of it you fall to your knees and weep tears of such joy, and love and thankfulness. Like a mother that thought her baby was gonna die and then they live, or the news that the lump was not cancer or you walk away from a car crash that should have killed you. Thats the kinda stuff that causes you to reach into the very depths of your being and praise with such a pure love. Its not the generic stuff that we often offer on Sunday mornings when the mood, tempo and sound all have to be just right. When real praise, pure praise starts to happen nothing else matters only that I voice some measure of what is going on inside of me because if I don't I will explode. I want to touch the heart of God Like Ps. 57 has touched my heart. If only we worried about touching the heart of God and ministering Him as we do appealing to people.
In the Old Testament services revolved around God. Not how can we get more people, make them more comfortable so they'll come back... I could go on but I better stop.

Also the Carr's live at 7pm EST.

Love ya



I've repented

One of the definitions of repent is to think differently... A few days ago I was questioning my ability to endure the book of Numbers. But wow!!! Here I am now eat'n it like sushi on a Saturday night. Most people don't like sushi, they won't even try it... The book of Numbers is hard to feast on the first few chapters but now like I said WOW!!!
Yesterday's reading told of Aaron running to take his censer and wave it before the Lord between the living and the dead. In essence he was drawing a line and saying to this plague of death, "You will not pass". Much like Gandolf in the Lord of the Rings, when he faces off with the fiery beast from the underworld. This story of Aaron is found in Numbers 16. Moses spoke to Aaron and told him to fill his censer and make atonement for the congregation. These where the same ones that wanted to kill Moses and Aaron. With out a moment to lose Aaron takes his stand. Get the picture, people are dropping like flies from this killer plague. (like some 1970's horror movie) These plagued people had just been trying to kill Aaron and out he comes to save them. I highly recommend you go back and check the story out. I want to be like Aaron, run out among the sinners of this world and draw a line that says... "Death, abortion, homosexuality, abominations, sin, and lust you are not allowed to go any farther... You've raped my people, land, city and county and that stops NOW!!!" I will stand between the living and the dead, between the porch and the altar, I will humble myself and pray, I will fast, I will cry out for the salvation and redemption of Fayetteville.

Love ya



What is it???

What is it to stand at the edge of your destiny then turn around. What is it to be able to look into the eyes of your dreams then have to turn back. Numbers 14 the people stood at the edge then rebelled, saw their destiny, their promise then complained. They choose the wilderness over the promise land. They choose a place that was harder, dryer and rockier, but it was what they knew, it was what they understood, it was a place that required no faith. They murmured about where they where and they complained about where God had brought them. Its not a matter of location its a matter of the heart. Whether the desert or the promise land, God desires our faith because our faith is an indication of our trust and love.
Let us not just look at God's promises but let's cross over in faith.
PS. If you have opportunity today go to www.dailyaudiobible.com and listen to yesterday's reading and commentary.

Love ya,



I found it

Numbers 9
When the cloud rested in a place that's where the Israel stayed. When it went up they packed up. If it was a day, month, week, or year, no matter. They cloud represented, and was a sign of the Lord being with His people, covering His people. The cloud didn't follow them, they followed it. The people didn't follow Moses or Aaron, the cloud didn't follow Moses and Aaron... They all followed the presence of God...
While in the desert that is often our life God desires that we love Him and others. That love takes faith. Not faith in the desert, everyone can see the desert and knows that it's there. Not faith in man, because man is man and will fail. But faith in an all loving, all knowing, ever present, presence that we are to follow through the desert. Jesus said you didn't choose me, I chose you... At the calling of His disciples He said, "follow Me". This is a daily thing, where the cloud go's we are to go, where it stays we are to stay. Today, find the presence of God in your life and follow it. You maybe surprised when you look up and find yourself in the promise land.

Love ya,




So I hope everybody is keeping up with their Bible reading...
One question!!!
Is it really nonspiritual to have a least favorite book of the Bible? I love reading the Old Testament, I even enjoyed the book of Leviticus again. All the ways you can prepare the fatty lobe of the liver makes for some good times. Then we have the book of Numbers, I know God has something for me in here... I guess I just have to look harder to find it...

Love ya



Christ Cannibal

After feeding the five thousand Jesus had to slip through the crowd because they wanted to forcible make Him king. The ever persistent group followed behind Him. That's when Jesus laid the whammy on them...
He says, "check it out guys, I know you enjoyed the fish and the bread but now you if you want eternal life you gotta eat my flesh and drink my blood."
Now as modern day Christians we understand this as Holy Communion... But for these guys they thought they actually had to eat the flesh and drink the blood. Many of the disciples were like, AH... NO... UM... I don't think so, and up and left... Man talk about serious crowd control.
It's not much different today... People doing the church thing, talk'n the talk all saved on Sunday. But when the going gets tough where do all the Christians get off too.
In the midst of the blessing everybody wants an open tap to the church... getting drunk on the new wine... Eating the fish and bread.
Then Jesus comes in and says if you wanna go any further you gotta eat my flesh... That's when everybody begins to vanish, feeling the call to go somewhere and do something else... Anything else!!!
Christ Cannibal....
That's my next bands name
Love ya
PJ aka Christ Cannibal