Numbers 9
When the cloud rested in a place that's where the Israel stayed. When it went up they packed up. If it was a day, month, week, or year, no matter. They cloud represented, and was a sign of the Lord being with His people, covering His people. The cloud didn't follow them, they followed it. The people didn't follow Moses or Aaron, the cloud didn't follow Moses and Aaron... They all followed the presence of God...
While in the desert that is often our life God desires that we love Him and others. That love takes faith. Not faith in the desert, everyone can see the desert and knows that it's there. Not faith in man, because man is man and will fail. But faith in an all loving, all knowing, ever present, presence that we are to follow through the desert. Jesus said you didn't choose me, I chose you... At the calling of His disciples He said, "follow Me". This is a daily thing, where the cloud go's we are to go, where it stays we are to stay. Today, find the presence of God in your life and follow it. You maybe surprised when you look up and find yourself in the promise land.
Love ya,
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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