Alright so we have been hitting the O.T reading pretty hard. We get to the church every morning at 5am, pray hard for about an hour or so then go into our daily Bible reading. Then to finish it off we spend the final few minutes listening to the voice of the Lord. Today as we where listening a thought came to me. It was a thought I couldn't shake. Looking over the past few days Bible reading, Moses had a real hang up with the whole I told you to speak to the rock thing. I mean time and time again he blames the children of Israel for the fact that God wouldn't let him enter into the promise land. Today he even had the nerve to bring it up one more time and God said, "That's enough"... I don't remember him repenting, I just remember him blaming others... I know this about God, He is faithful to forgive those that repent even in the Old Testament. One name "David". Hello, he slept with another mans wife then murdered the husband. But because he humbled himself and repented... God forgave!!!
David didn't blame Bathsheba for bathing on the roof. He simply repented and God forgave. Man doesn't elevate humility but God sure does...
Today let's not blame others for our sin and it's consequences... That breeds bitterness, let's simply humble ourselves.
Love ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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