Jesus tells a story of 10 virgins... 5 wise and 5 foolish. Which am I and how do I know? Sure we would all like to say we are the wise, the elect. Ok, check this out. All the virgins went out to meet the bridegroom, all had lamps, all had fire, all waited on Him. Hey all of them even went to sleep. The only real difference I see is the wise had oil and the foolish didn't. So many follow and fall away. Many burn with intense passion, then burn out. Allot of people wait and wait and wait and wait. Is there oil in the lamp. Oil comes from a passion for His pressence. Not just words as a matter of fact its more than actions. It's passion!!! Passion is word, action, love, heat... It is deep desire, a craving, an absolute NEED. Today I would that we desire, crave, have an absolute need for the presence of the one we love. Jesus Christ.
Love ya
PS. The oil is all about relationship... In the closing words of the story the bridegroom says to the foolish '' I never knew you''.
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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