As we read of the great heroes in the book of Judges, then later of many great warriors, prophets, and kings oftentimes I pray, ''Father make me like this one or that''. As if one day I'd be one way then the next be another. As if there'd be no process just a magical bam. Whether we're taking it back or having faith for the thing we want most. What makes us think we can circumvent the process. I mean do we really think we can ''take back'' what's been taken from us without a process? God so believes in process that He sent His Son. God is Holy, really HOLY. He will not put aside who He is just so we can heap more stuff into our earthly stock pile. He will bless us with the stuff but only after the process. The funny thing is that after the process the stuff or position or power never matter as much... Hmmm!!! Maybe thats the point.
Love Ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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