This is gonna take a minute #5
Then we walked and talked a moment longer.
The reason I wanted to explain such a intamite part of my life was another vision I had just the other day during my worship time. I saw the Lord and there was a huge vat, I mean it was huge. It was filled with a translusiant liquid. It was very similiar to the sea I had seen in my experience of heaven. It was the most beautiful blue green that glowed with Gods glory. Everything about the liquid in these vats reminded me of heaven. It reminded me of holding hands with Jesus, and the nakedness I felt in the Fathers glory. (yet not ashamed). The joy, peace everything it was like liquid heaven. In this vision The Father was asking His people to direct Him as to where we would have them pour out these huge vats of liquid heaven. I believe God is wanting His people to arise and point out places that we desire heaven to be seen. People, places, things, items. God is desiring for His people to partner with Him, to get close to Him and hear His heart. Some may say well I can't pray for heaven to be poured out on this or that, or this person or that person. They don't deserve it. Well never do you deserve to direct God's vat of liquid heaven. I don't deserve to be the one telling of the visions. None of us deserve any of this. But God has offered us heaven and He also allows us to be vessels of Heaven. His liquid heaven.
Love ya,

This is gonna take a minute #4
All most done!!!
Love ya
This is gonna take a minute #3
Little more later!!!
Love ya
This is gonna take a minute #2
Stay tuned for #3
Love ya
This is gonna take a minute #1
Love ya
Heaven's Yes
Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Man, that word last night sharpened the sin outta me. Good stuff!!!
So many times when we hear that scripture it brings almost a negative feel to it. To be sharpened would mean to say that I'm not as sharp as I should be and I need others to help me be all I can be... WAA!!!
Really this sharpening should take place often and from all directions. From sermons, mentors, pastors, heck nature, friends, moments and life, all kinds of stuff can sharpen us... If we will let it. Example, last night you would have had to been dead not to be sharpened by the sermon. For those who haven't seen it... It was well... INSANE!!! (Damon Thompson first night at the 220 conference)
Yeah it had an impact... I had a follow up impact right after the sermon, I was talking to a friend, a fellow youth pastor and he brought up a sermon I had preached a few years back at a conference he was hosting. (Pastor Jayson from G-boro NC). Not just the sermon but that time in my life was crazy brutal, in a good way. To be reminded of that moment after the sermon aaahhh... It was like a one, two punch. There is something on the inside, a desire for purity, holiness. It's a desire to be consumed' a desire for the river, for the wind, for the rain, for the fire. I had a vision the other day of the father with large, I mean huge vats of heaven and He was pouring it out on His people as they directed Him through interseccion. So come on lets have heaven poured out, lets consume hell with a double shot from the vats of God and transform a desolate dry place into Heaven. YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH...
Love ya
There's a Need!!!
Love ya
How can I???
How can I live how He lived, do what He did, heal how He healed, walk how He walked?
How can I???
Everything is based on seeing how He saw, feeling how He felt... I always talk the talk of wanting to do what He did. But am I willing to feel what He felt? Not just at Calvary! But the compassion He felt for the multitude, the frustration of faithless followers, the pain of betrayal! What deep emotion caused Jesus to weep at Lazarus's' tomb, or sweat drops of blood at Gethsemane.
Could I handle it???
Father take me one step at a time one foot in front of the other. Catch me when I fall, teach me to walk in your steps...
Love ya,
God Is!!!
We could also say, “God is” to each of these things… God is Love, God is joy, God is peace, God is patience, God is kindness, God is goodness etc… For those that like to make it personal they could say, God gives me love, God gives me joy, God gives me peace, yes God gives me patience, kindness, goodness etc. For those that want to make it really personal can pray a prayer today that says…
God you are my Love,
Father you are my Joy and peace,
Jesus you are my patience and my kindness
You are so good, so faithful and so gentle
I ask you to control myself today…
Love ya
I am living in a moment and drinking in what it has for me... Whether sweet wine or bitter.
Love Ya
Prayer Furnace
Love ya
Intimacy and Fire...
Love ya
Heart and Tongue
Love ya
Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible @ IHOP-KC
I am sitting in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer as I write this. There is genuinely something very special about sitting in a place where prayer and worship goes on 24 hours a day and never stops. It's been going on for over a decade and it shows. It's really quite remarkable. One of the most striking aspects of this place is the median age of those involved. Most are in their twenties. They've given up whatever they have to to sacrifice their lives calling out to God. On the one hand we could look at this as irresponsible. They are, after all at the prime age to begin the process of making their way in the world. It's these years that really count when it comes time to retire. Even as I write those words on the page here I cringe. I suppose it all boils down to what worldview you have. What culture you are choosing to embrace. What kingdom you've chosen to serve.
It's almost midnight here. There are probably two or three hundred people praying right now. This will go on all night, all day tomorrow and all night tomorrow night. It simply never ceases. I've spent about 12 hours in the Prayer Room this weekend. I could spend another 12 easily. I'd stay in here all week if I could. Sitting here it all becomes so clear and I scratch my head and wonder what is wrong with we Christians sometimes. I'm not saying we have to all commit ourselves to a lifestyle of day and night prayer but sheesh. How many hours do we pray each day? How many minutes? How many seconds. Think about it. I have prayed along with this rotating, never ending prayer movement for the end of abortion, for revival in the hearts of the youth in California, for God to raise up 10,000 twelve year olds who would give themselves to God at a young age like Christ in the temple. It goes on and on and I'm humbled at how selfishly I pray usually. This weekend has taught me much but one of the more profound things is that it's REALLY and TRULY not about us and we REALLY and TRULY have to stop saying those words and still making everything about us. We have to REALLY and TRULY start living it.
Twenty somethings giving themselves to a life of sacrifice believing that it matters that they cry out to God day and night. I see almost no affects of the outside world here. Not in a wierd way like the real world doesn't exist. Quite the contrary. They are praying for the real world but are unaffected by it. It holds no appeal for them. They really could care less who wins American Idol. I see people crying before the Lord in profound love. What happens on the latest TV show or who wins the game this weekend is just not that important when you have an audience with the King and He smiles on you. Ughh. It's so sad the things we go to for life. The things we substitute for the real life Jesus offers. I see very little depression or self absorption around here. This probably has something to do with staying in the presence of the Lord as well. I have a lot of processing to do and I've managed to scribble out another stream of conciousness post that probably makes little sense but hopefully conveys some emotion. I am ever more convinced that we cannot live the life Jesus offers and that we're supposed to live without the Word of God every single day and without a genuine and fervant prayer life. It just won't work any other way and we have to stop pretending it will and sacrifice whatever we must in order to give our lives to God.
Onward Comrades,