The Father handed me a solid box made of Gold as He did He said "Open it, it is a gift for you." I turned the box around and around trying to figure out how to open it. The Father once again said "Open the gift I've given you, my son." "I can't," I replied. "Son open the gift I've given you'," comes this time with a little frustration. I turn the box over and over trying to open it, pulling tugging but the little box wouldn't give. I knew with each passing moment my Father's frustration was growing. Each time He spoke there was more displeasure even hurt in His voice. I began to weep at the thought of me displeasig Him. God's next words changed my life forever. He said, "Son open the gift I've given you, for everytime you don't open the gifts I've given you, you deny me. The feeling I feel when you deny me is the same I felt the night Jesus was betrayed and Peter denied." I was totally crushed, broken, a mass of sobbing tears and repentence. I thought of oh so many times God had spoken to me, given me words, told me to act. Instead of obedience I questioned, "God is that you?" So many times struck with fear, I questioned my way to inaction. Man the flood of memories, stuff I had long forgotten, played out in front of me. Even though it happened in a flash, I saw each instance with vivad accuracy. The guy at Wal-Mart, the mom in the parking lot, the prophetic word for the waitress, so many pasted I lost count.
All most done!!!
Love ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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