From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Man, I say some of the ugliest things, some of the meanest, some of the most ungodly. Now I don't say these things all the time. Usually I speak descent... good things... I think... But really if my words are a reflection of what's in my heart I shouldn't even be satisfied with the good and the descent. NO!!! My words should be great, speaking only of the greatness of God and others. You say but some people are not great and it would be a lie to speak such great things about them... I say, OOHHH!!! Man was made in the image of God and though we have fallen a great distance from perfection, there is still the ability for greatness even in the worst person. For God so loved ALL... and we ought to love all with our words and actions. When we love with our words, we reflect the Godly greatness thats inside our hearts. I'm watch'n my words!!!
Love ya
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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