Hey Everyone,
Sorry I was a no show yesterday but I had gone camping on the beach with my son and brother in laws. Friday night was great we swam, surfed, fished and camped. About midnight Manny and I where seating by the shore fishing when the dark sky began to grow even darker the light breeze turned into a cold wind. I hopped into the lean-to in the back of my truck hoping to sleep through the storm... Well that didn't happen through the night I was over and over again... The tent was being blown down, the tide was rising the rain was coming down, Try as I did to fix the tent or warm myself from the cold nothing worked. I was cold, wet and tired and as I said before the tide was rising. By morning we were trying our best to save the stuff from being washed away. The waves breaking, coming inside the tent, the fishing pools where being pulled out by the undertow... Their we where soaking wet, cold, not wanting to leave and not wanting to stay... So we sunk our heads in defeat and decided to head home... On the way we laughed and said man this is gonna be a great story...
...they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony... Sometimes a testimony can be hard to make, it may get wet and cold with the storm blowing... But it sure makes a great testimony...
Remember Prayer House meeting tonight @ 6.
God Bless
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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