At some point, the generation of youth have got to take responsibility for their generation. For their city, for their church, for themselves. The only question I have, is when...
When will our generation arise become what God has called us to become? Its funny. We commit to a challenge. We say we're gonna pray. We say we're gonna worship. We say we're gonna read our bible before breakfast. We say we're gonna do all these things in order to change our generation. But we don't. We slack. We mess up. We make commitments, and then don't fulfill them. Oh trust me, I'm not just speaking to you, but I'm speaking to myself also. But I do realize, at some point, things have got to change. In me. In you. In our city. In our churches. Maybe the change starts with us. Maybe the change starts with me. Maybe the change starts with you.
Today a community prayer meeting at Manna church. And out of a community of 2,000 people, maybe forty showed up. In a city of over 500 churches. Only two or three were represented. We all agree. Change is needed. At some point, that change has got to come. At some point. The change has got to come to this city. At some point, the change has got to come to the church. At some point, the change has got to come to you, and the change has got to come to me. So I'm committing, I'm taking up my sword. I'm grabbing my shield. And I'm saying, at this point, I will change.
Love you,
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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