Hey Guys
Youth was really good last night... The small groups are going really good. If you haven't been apart, then get yourself connected. We also set in new challenge here it is 1. The big three, Prayer reading and worship all 15 minutes each. 2. We are aiming to fast 12 hours a day, like from sun down to sun up. 3. Witness to 4 people this week...
There are a few other things to keep in mind. First, harvest night on the 31st featuring Xtol and Ron Johnson. Second we are doing a fish fry in two weeks on wednesday. Also we start the 24/7 prayer week on the second of Nov.
Some are asking what is going on things are seeming so hard... so difficult... I believe God is allowing us to be pushed. But why, why would God allow us to be pushed why is it so hard sometimes. I told the story a few days ago of my camping that got rained out. It was wet and cold and the tide started washing all of our stuff away. I think God sends the rain and the cold and the tide sometimes so that we become uncomfortable with where we are. In the case of me camping we packed and went home... Is that you today do you need to pack up your stuff and go home. God is always there waiting and if the storms of life are beating you down with the tide raising and a chill is come over you today God is saying, "Come on Home".
I love you guys have a great day.
God Bless
Moving Slowly
5 years ago
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