

Our Father or we can make it personal and say, my Father who is in heaven, Hallowed or Holy is your name. It is an often repeated statement but is it understood. So many myself included desire and work for the Kingdom of God to be established on the earth. Blood, sweat and tears are poured out to see that kingdom come to see His will be done. I've become so obsessed with this mandate that I've actually put my relationship with Him on a back burner. Become so consumed with the battle the I've forgotten the reason the purpose. We often live, lives of winning souls making disciples, reaching the utter most parts of the earth with the Gospel. We live for the fight, we live for the victory. We forget the before that kingdom can come through us we must first get to know God in His Holiness we must be intimate with Him as a Father. Jesus said the first command was that we love the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength, then love our neighbor as ourselves. It is only when Holy God becomes our Father when we learn to Love Him first that we can even be able to truly love others. It is only when we come to know Him in His Holiness that the kingdom can be established. So take a moment today and get to know your creator in the beauty of His Holiness. That's when His will can be done in and through you.

Love Ya




As we watch so many in the church today running from one move to another one revival to another, one healing service to another.
It reminds me of a girl I knew when I was younger, all she wanted to do is follow the Grateful Dead around in a Volkswagen van and be a deadhead.
There are some I know that justify this by complaining about their own church or pastor or leader. The whole grass is greener on the other side thing. These same ones that always have something to say, some bit of
“constructive criticism”
Many times these are the same ones that do nothing, have invested nothing. They spend their time staring up into the heavens looking for the light when God has called us to be the light. They shine what light they have at the faults of those around them.
Then there are others that simply get tired, they burn at both ends until they until they burn out.
Hurt, broken and tired the sun that once was able to melts their heart now hardens it like clay. They burned so hot for so long without rest or refreshing, without spending time alone in the presence of the Son, Now they are the bush that burned but it was consumed. It was not weird to see a bush burning in the wilderness but it was weird to so one that was not consumed. Today we see all kinds burn for God but its rare we see one that is not consumed. God has called us to burn bright but not burn out.
What’s the difference?
Spending time walking in the son-light,
Not always running for the newest thing,
Not always looking for the next thing.
But keeping your life based on the
“One Thing”.

Love ya


God is Never Behind You

I said yesterday that it’s easier to see the things that God has done
than it is to see what He is doing,
and it’s easier to see what He is doing
than it is to see what He will do.
In Revelation Jesus says
I am the Alpha and Omega,
The First and the Last
The Beginning and the End.
Jesus also says that,
He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
So let me encourage you today to take a good look at all He has done
See Him feeding the five thousand
Raising Lazarus from the dead
Healing the blind man
Calming the storm
Plundering the gates of hell
Defeating death and the grave
Jesus is the same today as He was two thousand years ago
He is
Feeding the hungry
Raising the dead
Healing the blind
Calming the storm
Plundering the gates of hell
Defeating death and the grave
He has done it for you
Now let Him do it through you!!!
Love Ya



It's easier to see where God has been, then where He is, and its easier to see where He is, then where He's going.


Todays Question???

Hey Everyone,
Got a question for you today...
If you knew you were going to die what would you do differently.
Make a list figure it out because the doctor is in and hes got bad news...
You're dying.
So seize the day.
Live it like you are alive
This life is but a vapor here for a moment then gone.
Love ya


A little FYI

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to let everyone know that "The Goodman Project" will be live at Feedom Family Fellowship Sunday, Dec. 7th. Yours truly will be out with the band X-tol. Prayer at 9:30am with services kicking off at 11am. Its the place to be so be there.

Love you guys


You are wonderful

Hey Everyone,

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image,

Ps 139:1, 13-14 O LORD, You have searched me and known me. 13 For You formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well.

Today as you walk down the road of life, God’s destiny leading each foot step, troubles on both right and left and mountains so large in front of you they seem like Mt. Everest in the winter cold. God never promised only roses and ice cream, or sunny days at the beach the breeze blowing in your hair. BUT… He did promise that He would never leave you, that no matter what comes, what storms flood and graves swallow. That you have been made with a special capacity to not only endure but to triumph over every enemy or problem, because my friend you where made like HIM. When He made you He saw front to back and everything in between and perfectly fit you for your life. Both God and I agree that you my friend are simply wonderful.

Love ya,


Sunday's Sermon

Hey Everyone,

Today I should be uploading the sermon that was preached yesterday. So come back later and check it out. Definitely click on the "sermons" button to see if it there before you leave though. Anyways I will talk to you later and hope you have a wonderful day.

God Bless